In 1948 the monumental labors of Father Matthew Hoehn, prior in Newark and librarian of St. Benedict’s, bore fruit in the publication of Catholic Authors, Biographical Sketches of Living Catholic Authors. A second volume followed in 1958. Exemplary of the extraordinary labors of monks at that time, Father Matthew served as prior in Newark from 1946 until 1958, standing in for a frequently absent abbot. In addition, he worked as full time librarian, and in his spare time was researcher and author. No wonder that he, like many of his confreres of the period, died relatively young.
Another publishing effort was the result of Abbot Patrick’s encouragement of Father Benedict Bradley to bring to fruition St. Mary’s My Everyday Missal and Heritage. Intended to be the first truly American daily missal, it featured brief historical vignettes of the Catholic Church in every State. Father Bede Babo, editor of liturgical texts for Benziger Brothers Publishers, was a key figure in seeing the missal into print.