On Sunday, November 19, the Oblates of St. Benedict of St. Mary's Abbey renewed their oblation during the Sunday Eucharist. Abbot Jonathan invited the oblates to stand and publicly recite the renewal formula. Oblates are lay men and women who associate themselves to a particular Benedictine monastery. They seek to live their lives according to the spirituality of the Rule of St. Benedict. The oblates then met after Mass for their monthly meeting. If you are interested in learning more about the oblates, please visit the oblates webpage.
Prior Edward Seton Fittin, OSB attended the annual Priors' Workshop in St. Leo Abbey, Florida from November 9-12. Priors from across North America come together each year to discuss topics of mutual concern. The prior is the second in command to the abbot in Benedictine monasteries and generally is responsible for the daily operations of the monastery. The guest speaker at the workshop was Abbot Cuthbert Brogan, of Farnborough Abbey in England. Fr. Edward reports that Abbot Cuthbert spoke on a variety of topics "common to all monks,priors, abbots and addressed with wisdom from the RB and monastic spirituality, to a mostly seasoned group of priors!"
On Friday, November 10, a group of monks, students and friends gathered in the Abbey Cemetery to honor the monks who had served in the military and who are buried in the cemetery. James Gallombardo, '81 organized the service. Abbot Jonathan welcomed the guests, said a brief prayer and then blessed the American flags to be placed on the graves. Mr. Gallombardo then read out the names of each monk, listing the years and the nature of his service. After each name was read, a group of Delbarton trumpeters, led by music teacher, Andrew Lyman, played a four-part rendition of "Taps". As the music was being played, a student walked to the grave and placed the flag near the headstone of the deceased monk. This brief service concluded with the abbot's blessing.
For over eight decades, the monks of St. Mary's Abbey have cultivated their orchard on a hillside, south of the monastery. The variety of apple and pear trees provide fruit that is a welcome addition to the monks' table. For years, the monks have enjoyed sweet cider made from the apples. After last year's success, Brother Paul Diveny and his fellow monks are pleased to bring you this second annual batch of Abbey Orchard Hard Cider. All proceeds from this crisp, semi-sweet, and full-flavored hard cider will support the mission and ministry of St. Mary's Abbey.