At Belmont Abbey, N.C., site of the General Chapter of the American-Cassinese Congregation, of which St. Mary's Abbey is a member, Fr. Elias was elected Abbot-President, to succeed Abbot Hugh Anderson, of St. Procopius Abbey, Lisle, Il. For the seven years, Fr. Elias has been away from the Abbey serving as the prior at Sant' Anselmo, the headquarters in Rome of the Benedictines. and the Procurator in Curia for the congregation. In his new role, among many things, Abbot Elias will preside at abbatial elections, conduct visitations and be a resource to the 19 monasteries of the congregation. Abbot Elias served with distinction in the abbey and school for many years and was a founding member of the International Commission for Benedictine Educators, and most recently its president. After the election on Thursday, 23 June 2016, the Rt. Rev. Douglas R. Nowicki, archabbot of St. Vincent Archabbey, Latrobe, Pa., motherhouse of St. Mary's, conferred the abbatial blessing upon Abbot Elias. It is expected Abbot Elias will return to the Abbey in the fall following the Congress of Abbots. Ad multos annos!