In October, we lost our beloved Abbot Brian, who, for decades, was the keeper of the abbey orchard. In his declining years, he was not able to give the orchard all the attention it needed. The time has come to remedy that. The abbey orchard has a special place in the hearts of the monks and we are seeking help. The orchard has become very overgrown and we are looking for some able-bodied volunteers to help Br. Paul get the orchard back in shape. The two biggest tasks are pruning the fruit trees (will train!) and clearing the fence line of scrub (pretty self-explanatory).
Weather permitting, work will take place between 1:00 and 3:00 pm, although once familiar with the tasks, volunteers are welcome to work on their own schedule. The abbey will provide the tools, you provide the muscle! Volunteers with chain saw skills are particularly needed. If interested or have questions, please email Br. Paul: [email protected]